INSUL-DECK Roofs are structurally superior to traditional wood-truss roofs because of much higher strength of reinforced concrete. They can be designed and built to withstand extremely high winds and the impact of most flying debris in hurricanes and tornadoes. An INSUL-DECK Roof combined with concrete walls basically resembles a bunker – made cozy with great insulation. The reinforced concrete also provides high Fire Resistance Ratings (per ACI 216.1) and very long lifespans.
Research has shown that a large portion of the energy loss in a typical building is literally “through the roof”, leading to unnecessarily high heating and cooling bills. With INSUL-DECK roofs, the insulation is built-in, continuous, and not subject to uneven installation. Its air-infiltration approaches zero, resulting in a significant reductions in energy loss and utility bills.
The combination of airtightness, insulation, thermal mass, and strength of INSUL-DECK roofs provide amazing thermal comfort and the feeling of a cozy castle. The excellent sound deadening properties of concrete roofs can help to quiet your indoor environment by greatly reducing airborne noise transmission.
Why Safe Roofs Matter
Video courtesy IBHS: see FORTIFIED Standards
Roof Testimonial
“My home just went through the worst storm yet, Hurricane Sally. I did not have any damage or water intrusion. I again stayed home for this storm as I did for Ivan, Katrina and many category 1 storms. Sally was terrifying but I was so glad I was in my house. I saw some condos that were torn apart. The destruction is the worst that I have seen since I built here in 2003 – worse than Ivan or Katrina. I was in Sally’s eye wall for hours with scary straight line winds. Clearly nobody knew how bad it would be.
Thankful for Insul-Deck!”
TJ in Gulf Shores, AL
Water Proofing
INSUL-DECK roofs are water-proofed with commonly available membrane systems for concrete roofs. The membrane manufacturer provides a warranty based on extensive testing and specific installation instructions. The types of membrane systems range from liquid-applied and self-adhered membranes to built-up systems with additional insulation for colder climate zones.